When you give to Charity you are unknowingly embarking on an ancient ritual of sexual magic of the Temples…
The ‘Angels of God’, the sacred prostitutes, were also known as ‘Charites’ which gives us the word ‘Charity’.
So by giving to Charity you are symbolically paying the sacred prostitutes for their sexual services, which were offered in the ancient temples during religious sexual magical practices/rituals…
The origin of Holy Communion has its basis in the ritualistic drinking of semen and menstrual blood…the fluids of life…
Thou Shalt not commit adultery…
Even parts of the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ also refer to this.
“Hallowed be thy name’ – Hallowed = Q-D-S (Qadash) which is the temple prostitute/temple of fertility cults…and is connected to Qedeshah which is paid intercourse performed in context of religious worship.
The Church spire is a phallic symbol and the word spire means to breathe. In sexual alchemy it is breath that controls sexual urges. Hallowed be thy name” – Name = shem = breath (Neshemah).
Our institutions practised sacred sex in their temples, and still do, and If you only knew of the depravity of the Church, behind the scenes and underground, you would realize that it is far from Holy…