The Movement – Illumination Of The World (Paperback)
Michael Feeley is a fully trained police investigator with 17 years evidence gathering experience. Michael hosts his own weekly TV show called ‘Secret Knowledge’ and is a presenter and narrator of numerous independent documentaries relating to the mysteries of this and other worlds. In this book, foreworded by Leonardo DA Vinci, in a world first, Michael uncovers the secret mystery school teachings that you are not deemed worthy enough to know. Michael details his role in the advanced knowledge of Medieval times from a previous incarnation as Sal, the personal scribe of Leonardo DA Vinci himself, and how he now experiences modern day time-slips in which he receives many downloads of information, such as the secrets of the Great Pyramid of Egypt and its connection to the character known as Christ. Michael Continues the work of DA Vinci and reveals an understanding of Leonardo’s work never before known, direct from DA Vinci himself, where much misunderstanding is corrected. Michael explains how our universe was created, what God is and how God is just as reliant upon humanity as humanity is upon God, which will cause shock waves amongst the followers of all religion. The author explains why we are all here, where we came from and the nature of our purpose in the grand divine plan. The Bible and the ancient monuments and monoliths of the world (and beyond) tell us this, but how? These are but just a few of the subjects within these unique and sacred pages, which uncover the secret knowledge of the many Holy-Writs of the ancient wisdom-keepers. This book is the esoteric answer to all things and will have an influence on the reader of Biblical and Shakespearean proportions. Just what do the ancient wisdom-keepers know and what are the secrets of the universe, both of them? The answers to your questions are at your fingertips.
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