This is the Biggest Hoax Since Christ…
They are double counting tests, so one person has a test in mouth and nose and that is counted as two separate tests. If a person was in hospital for week etc then they may have three tests in that time. That is counted as three individual tests as if it was three separate people. They are also forging death certificates so anyone dying of anything, related or otherwise was having Covid19 as a cause of death…basically it is a deliberate fraud and they are still doing it…If you get pinged on the track and trace because you passed someone who had tested positive (on a test devised to locate HIV/AIDS not Covid19) then anyone pinged that day is classed as having and counted as having Covid19 because you had come into contact with someone who had tested positive at some point in the past…
If you look at the office of national statistics all other death causes have reduced, by a lot, and yet Covid19 has risen, well Sherlock, work that one out. Could it be that the deaths have been renamed? There is no proof as to the existence of Covid19 because Koch’s Postulates have not been obeyed…
What we have is Hancocks postulates instead (Matt Hancock – Health Secretary) and with it a move from democracy into dictatorship when a government is bypassing parliament…
The test, which as stated is for HIV/AIDS is a viral screening that picks up anything non-human, which can be a wide range of things. They are then saying, without proper separation and analysis that this is Covid19, without any proof because Covid19 has not been proven by Koch’s Postulates..
They haven’t isolated the virus so any vaccine is useless, except for the real reason for administering them which is for what will be in them and will enter into the body.
Any contradiction to the official narrative is immediately removed from social media, the MSM are not reporting on anything unless it complies to their script, doctors and other medical professionals, who speak out and say that this is not as stated by the official state narrative are having their sites removed and are being warned not to administer drugs that they know will help people…
Fake and forged and delibertaly inflated figures, scaremongering by the press, whipping people into a frightened frenzie, rule change after rule change, in a mental torture, imprisoning of the elderly and sick, house arrest of the world for something unproven. Dictatorships replacing democracy, as the people’s representatives are not even being consulted. Tyranny in the guise of help for the people…and an order for law enforcement to enforce things that are not even law! Facemasks that don’t work but are instead a token of submission…
Forgive me for being one of them ‘conspiracy theorists’ but there is one hell of a COVER-UP going on here!
Could it be that there is not a virus after all (you cannot catch a virus) maybe it is the clandestine movement of global tyranny under the fraudulent guise of a virus!!! Bit by bit that footstep of a one world order gets nearer to your door…can you hear the crunching of their feet under your driveway pebbles yet?