The vile and traumatic experience called circumcision, that may damage a child mentally forever, is a practice that the sane and rational mind would never do. It is totally immoral.
But we are dealing with religious minds and they are often poisoned beyond reconciliation…poisoned to the verge of insanity and even beyond that!
We are told that circumcision is for hygiene and medical reasons, but it isn’t!
So what is its origin?
The origin is in the Hebrew scriptures regarding a character called Lilith…who had a fall out with Adam and fled from Eden, she was the proto-type of Eve…(this is their version not mine)
Lilith is however the ‘Lunar Apogee’ which is when the Moon is furthest away from Earth and is known as the ‘Dark Moon’…
She was allowed to remain isolated and a witch and the mother of all demons and to kill infants up until their naming day, 7 days for girls and 8 days for boys…
The circumcision of boys occurs on the 8th day after birth, which is no coincidence!
The act and practice of circumcision is really a ritual to appease Lilith and her blood thirsty desire to do harm…
Best regards
Michael Feeley…