We have all seen the curse of debt or even know someone close who has too…
The threatening letters of baliffs and prosecution soon follows for many, sleepless nights and constant worry and fear!
But have you ever had letter after letter stating that your debts have been sold to a debt recovery agency? Well I hope so!
Not many people know this but debt recovery agencies actually only pay £10 for every £1000 of your debt, therefore if your debt is £3000 they have purchased it for just £30 from your original lender or even another debt recovery agency who have themselves at some point also purchased it and anything after that £30 investiment and so on is clear profit for them! (varies depending on the debt amount)…
– Sickening…especially baring in mind that it is the religious duty of zionist bankers to charge the goyim as much interest as possible on loans!
It is all a gigantic scam!
But what’s pinnacle in this (not bringing the strawman and signatures etc into this) is that you do not have a signed agreement or contract with the debt recovery agency who purchased your debt! They have in effect cleared your debt for you and have paid up your original lender! So thank you…
And even more pinnacle is a section of British law, namely section 77A (6) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974… that states that because the debt recovery agency who purchased your debt does not have the correct paperwork (IE signed contract/agreement with you) you don’t owe them anything and this is un-enforceable by them!
So next time these letters arrive just think and ask them for your contract where you agreed to pay them anything!
There are also many get out of debt free websites online too…
Best regards
Michael Feeley…