Israel – The Prison Of The Soul…

Many truthers and so-called conspiracy theorists, a derogatory title given to them by those they are exposing, are correct in that Zionist Israel rules the world.

And it rules the world by infiltration in order to steer it towards its own global political ends…which is the Independent state of Israel, the promised land of the self-entitled Gods chosen ones…

But what is not widely spoken about is the spiritual battle for our minds and body and the whole concept of Christianity is a tool to remove spiritual knowledge and power from the gentiles, a term for someone who is not Jewish. The Bible is the division of the Hebrew scriptures…and therefore these cults/sects had a big hand in what people were taught and told to believe.

Voltaire once said “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize” and we all know who we cannot criticize! ISRAEL….

The Kaballah, which is a corrupted Egyptian principle of self, has bound the gentiles in Malkuth, which is the fallen realm of matter and is connected to Klipoth which is the shell without spiritual light or energy.

The Gnostics called this YHVY (pronounced Yahweh), it is a binding spell that casts the gentiles into spiritual death, the Lucifer which is code for the ‘Gentile Soul’ – fallen from heaven, the Crown chakra/higher cosmic connection.

The solar plexus is known as the ‘Grail of Lucifer’ and it is where the 36000 male and 36000 female Nadis meet. This is the 72000, or the 72 names of God in Hebrew which is really 3 letter sequences that act as an index to specific spiritual frequencies.

It is a tuning folk of the soul. The location of this is where the YHVH sits to control the chakras and subsequent inner enlightenment.

The energy through devotion given to metaphorical characters of the likes of the bible adds to the Jewish vortex of a powerful spell and this connection to that character must be made for that spell to work.

YHVY/YHWY (or Jehovah JHVH in Latin) is the 4 elements, the 4 corners/elements, as is INRI (above the head of Christ on the cross) that are essential in magical workings. It is the Watchtower (originally called the Zion Watchtower) of the Jehovah’s witness religion.

It is it covering the fact that we must use ‘Magnum Opus’ = Great work (or what Jehovah’s witnesses call the ‘work’ as they go around and knock on doors, without knowing its origin) to achieve higher consciousness…

This is Alchemical Ascension, working with the Prima Materia to create the philosophers stone. Alchemical ascension/great work is the science behind ascension. The transformation and transmutation of the third dimensional carbon based body into a higher dimensional light body. It is the Elixir of life, immortality secreted by the Pineal gland…

It is the way out, without coincidence the word Exodus (of biblical fame) means the way out…this is what it is really talking about in the Moses story! Moses is the illuminated mind.

It is the freeing of the soul by Magnum Opus which fully transforms the body into a luminous being.

YHVH (Yehweh) is a spell to keep the soul of the Gentiles incarcerated and Christianity was created by these cults and sects, such as the Pharisees, to remove spiritual knowledge from the masses who follow mainstream religion…so that they always remain in a world of darkness (metaphor for ignorance and falsity).

Zionists also control the Vatican Church and consequently its followers…

The word Israel is what it means to be the perfect spiritual man, broken down as such, Is (Isis/Moon) RA (Ra/Sun) and EL (God) other words the male and feminine polar opposites in union with themselves and with God…

Look around the world and notice the way in which it is being steered and by whom.

The 4 blasts of the Hebrew Shofar horn indicate a spiritual victory, the 4 blasts that occurred on 9/11 announced a spiritual victory against the world…

Your belief systems, your global politics and your reality is all controlled from those at the top who play both sides against each other and against the middle…causing a divided humanity…

Best regards

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Michael Feeley Author, Researcher & Revealer of Hidden, Esoteric Knowledge...
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