
Sound is pinnacle in the universal make up, of course universe means one verse!

In the Hindu religion they believed that the word/chant Om was the primordial sound that created the universe…

But Om is the Sun, as in the Judaic belief of Solomon…Sol- Om-On, which is the word for the Sun in 3 different languages…Sol is Latin, Om is Hindu and On is Coptic Egyptian! So when we are at home and we turn the light ON, this is what we are really doing, shinning the light…

The wavelength for the chant Om is 7.23cm ironically this is the exact distance between the chakras of the human body and also the distance between the human nose and chin!

Light is of course an oscillation within the Electromagnetic frequency and colour is the frequency/speed of that oscillation within electromagnetism…

Light hits our Brain’s receptors at an arc, it is an angle of light, or should I say an ‘Archangel of Light’…

Angels, famous throughout the religious and New Age world, are really conscious Electromagnetic forces of light…of opposing polarity, positive and negative charge, yet balanced…

Light, sound and mathematics are the endless dance of our universe…

Best regards
Michael Feeley…

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Michael Feeley Author, Researcher & Revealer of Hidden, Esoteric Knowledge...
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