We all speak a language, it is a verbal consequence of a thought. Your country of birth would normally dictate what language you speak…
But is there a language that’s not verbal, being spoken publically in every country regardless of native tongue?
A language that only a small percentage of that population understand and speak! A visual communication…
Yes, there is the unspoken language of symbols! These symbols surround us in our everyday lives and they are being spoken none verbally all around us…everywhere we look…
They are encoded within religion, government buildings, brand names and logos and even on our confectionary!
So out of all of the examples that I could have chosen I choose a biscuit called ‘Oreo’ which is a popular brand…having sold over 500 million…
Oreo derives from 2 words, namely OR meaning Gold/Golden and EO which comes from the Greek word Eos meaning Dawn.
Therefore we have the Golden Dawn, the Sun!
If you look closely at the pattern upon the biscuit you will see the ‘Double Cross’ which is the ‘Cross of Lorraine’ a heraldic Patriarchal cross…There are also exactly 12 Templar Cross Pattees in a circle, with also 12 dots and 12 dashes.
A cross pattée (or “cross patty” or “cross Pate”, known also as “cross formée/formy” or croix pattée) is a type of Christian cross…
This cross was used by the ‘Knights Templars’ as their cross of the ‘Crusades’ which was allowed by the authorities within Jerusalem…The Christian Cross…
The Knights Templar’s are todays Illuminati, the ‘Enlightened Ones’
So next time you eat an Oreo have a look at its Templar symbology!
Best regards
Michael Feeley…