Twin Towers Of 9/11 And Christ – The Biblical Re-Enactment…

Most thinking people now know that 9/11 was an ‘inside job’ and many have provided good and reliable evidence to prove this claim.

But no one has cited the fact that 9/11 was a biblical re-enactment of the book of Revelation, un-coincidently revelation 11 (11 = twin towers).

The 25th December is not the birthdate of the metaphor we call Christ, it was actually September 11th (9/11) as stated in Revelation 12:1 “And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the Sun, with the moon under her feet” – this is Virgo and the sun and the Moon in the heavens and it occurs on 11th September.

In this world there is the false light and the mimicking of the true light (Sun = heavenly Christ) and that false light is a combination of the planet Saturn (Satan) and Venus (Lucifer). On 11th September Saturn was in Gemini, the twins (Pollax and Castor).

These are the two biblical witnesses who will testify against the anti-Christ for 2,160 days (2160 years is the time spent by the Sun in each Zodiac sign). The two witnesses indicate the presence of Christ.

However, the false prophet who is the head of the religious system supporting the beast (the false prophet is the Pope – the Patriarch = Oyeb = adversary) entitled Vicarius Filli Dei, meaning Instead of the Son of God and the beast (Satan/animal nature of man) are the counterfeit two witnesses by which Satan will continue to decieve the whole world through signs and lying wonders…

Following 9/11 Satan’s rule continued with even greater deception (Satan is the God of the bible) and his representative on earth, the Pope, rules from the Vatican, Vatis-Can = the divine serpent…

The world is not what you think it is…




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Michael Feeley Author, Researcher & Revealer of Hidden, Esoteric Knowledge...
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