The year 2020 is the Hebrew year 5780 which is the year of the mouth…(Facemasks over the mouth?)…
It is prophesied that in this year society will know a new order (New world order) and economic balance of the world will be re-established (economic collapse through the current pandemic?). The worlds economy will be disturbed by the transit of Uranus as it enters Taurus.
Uranus creates unexpected bursts and strange behaviours are in our surroundings (Does this sound familiar?).
It is said that this is a time where we need to not trust what we see…(or what we are told is true?)..
Now what gets interesting is that the Torah has within it a code written thousands of years ago, that states year 5780 (which is 2020) ‘Corona Virus’ (Picture on this post)…
This was discovered by using a technique called ‘Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS) where we find the Hebrew letters, Kuf, Relish, Van, Nun and Hey which spell Corona. We also find as a result of ELS, Van, Yud, Relish, Van and Samech which spells Virus.
Together that is Corona Virus…
Was this Virus set for now, is this a complete fluke, the probability of such is too minor to measure, or is it that bible prophesy is really a well executed plan recreating the ‘End Times’? Or was it set for now from upon high to wake humanity up?
Whatever it is the Virus was destined for now and it is right on cue…
Kind regards