I was asked recently on a radio interview, to be broadcast soon, if I thought that the Queen and members of the Royal family were Lizards/Reptilians!
I wasn’t expecting that question but here’s my take on it…
I have seen what is called ‘Transfiguration’ in psychic mediums when another entity has briefly taken over their body and that entities features morph through, so it appears that you are actually talking to them instead of the actual host!
So having seen it I know that this is possible!
When Reptilian DNA mixes with Mammilian DNA because it is incompatiable there is a clash…
Which ever DNA is the most potent at that time is the DNA that will be the most prominent…
So my take is this, it is that these family members are engaging in certain rituals and practices whereby they are allowing other entities to come through, using their body as a host vessel, as a pathway to this realm!
This doesn’t necessarily mean that they are themselves Reptilian but they are being used by these entities as a mask and a bridge into this reality…this also applies to some high ranking politicians and other public figures too…
Best regards
Michael Feeley…