(299-792-458 metres per second)
The ancients knew that the Earth was energised by the arteries of leylines. They built prominant monuments such as Stonehenge upon them, energies enhanced by chanting. But Earth’s leylines have an epicentre, the exact centre of the land mass of the planet and this is of course where the Great Pyramid of Egypt stands. The Pyramids are gigantic resonance chambers that are connected to the belt of Orion, the advanced centre of evolution. The initiates used the vortex in and vortex out process of the double pyramid to enter and return from other worlds. The triangle, tetrahedron shape is the shape of frequency amplification and enhancement. Image a gigantic broadband system and an intricate network on a much more complex and larger scale and then you can see the power station that is the Pyramid system, with the added advanced knowledge of vortex mathematics and the knowing of the speed of light, used as a corordinate as consideration for the location of the monument itself (299-792-458 degrees N latitude, which is the speed of light.