The Ancient Resonance…

The ancients were not as we are led to believe simply a primitive culture with little more than chissels and impotent hammers held together by animal skin. In fact they knew more than we do today in relation to the Earth and the universe. 
As i have quoted in previous blogs “All is number” – Pythagorus.
According to the Pythagoreans:

“Number was the principle of a divine order in the Universe. The
study of number and its laws therefore was the immediate
contemplation of the divine Law by which everything is held

Pythagorus considered numbers to be a contact with higher places/realms, the divine and the divine order. Is it any wonder then that such monuments as the Egyptian Pyramids and Stonehenge are situated on leylines, the energetic arteries of Earth, all connected to the Heart, the Great Pyramid of Giza? Is it any wonder that they are mathematical calculators based on numbers and number sequences such as Euler theorem of logarithms which is a mathematical sequence of 2.71***** or 2.72 which is the megalithic yard, the metre, a metrical sequence/verse as in Uni-verse enhanced by chanting a song, song meaning a short metrical composition for the voice?  That word metrical appears many times; it is geometry, Earth-measure, the divine principle that gives us Sacred-Geometry. Geometry leads the soul to truth.

All is indeed number in varying forms and harmonics, the sonic equasion, the angle, the planets, the universe and the body. They give rise to famous stories contained in such works as the Bible which gave us the story of Adam and Eve. The first even/female number is 2, the EVE(N)…which i go into in much more detail in my new book “It Has Served Us Well; This Myth Of Christ”…

The ancients knew more than we give them credit for, they knew more than we do today, they were not primitive hunters they were holders of the keys of secret knowledge…

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Michael Feeley Author, Researcher & Revealer of Hidden, Esoteric Knowledge...
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