The Grand Deception…


There is a mass deception going on, on the grandest scale. A deliberate plan to create division and ignorance of the truth.

There is an opinion that knowledge is for the chosen initiates and not for general release, not for the people or the population.

There is a Gnostic secret principle that only the eyes that can see and the ears that can hear will eat from this tree of knowledge in the garden of Eden (Eden = the human body)

But the truth, for those who can see it, is a wonderful discovery that changes the life of those who decipher it.

I have been given the ‘Golden Key’ and I have decoded the truth and deeper meanings of our symbolic world from the religions of the world to the ancient mysteries, I hold the key that only the few hold, but I am unlocking the door for others so that they too can see what is really behind the stories and characters.

That principle is of self and finding your own divinity without the fake canopy of priests and churches and alike created to cause a blockage and a need to be ruled, dictated to and controlled by imaginary icons, holding onto you by fear or reward.

Know yourself and you will know your place in this endless place we call space and the universe…

What I can disclose is that you are all Jesus Christ, you are all Mary Magdalene, and Mary and Joseph and Noah and Moses. I can tell you that you all live in Eden and that your own Temple is Golgotha, your own head, where your own Christ is Crucified and resurrected.

I can tell you why the world is littered with Pyramids and mystical monuments and what they really represent…

In fact you will be truly amazed at what I can tell you…

I hope to see you at one of my forthcoming talks/conferences…

Best regards

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Michael Feeley Author, Researcher & Revealer of Hidden, Esoteric Knowledge...
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