The bible is a tool to remove spiritual knowledge and power from the masses. It is a means to keep people in ignorance of the truth of themselves, it keeps them in the chains of the devil, which is really the dark-evil = falsity and ignorance…
However at its deepest levels it is a different matter, it is an ascension book, not in terms of the New Age Ascension Model, but ascension through the likes of alchemy.
I have spent considerable time dissecting and analyzing the stories and characters of the bible, as I have with the famous monuments of the world. I have a background of 17 years of police investigation and the skill of the investigator is making connections with facts and evidence.
And that is precisely what I have done with many of the ancient mysteries, which to me are no longer a mystery…
The universe has a language of sound, vibration, geometry and Mathematics. We are made in the image of the ‘Geometry of Divinity’ = GOD. We are sacred geometric in design, the Golden Ratio. We can spend life working through the inner spiral to a greater octave of self should we desire to.
And the octave is relevant in today’s article given to us esoterically within the betrayal of Christ story.
According to the bible Christ knew that he was going to be betrayed by one of his closest allies, Judas the disciple. This is another story for another time.
Before Christ’s arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed 3 times. 3 in numerology is completedness through the third power (third power is a product of three equal terms such as 3x3x3=9).
The name Gethsemane was chosen for specific reason, as was the likes of Galilee and others, Gethsemane means ‘Pressof the eight’. Eight is the octave! But back to that in a moment.
Jesus was placed on the cross at the third hour of the day (9am) and dies at the 9th hour (3pm)…Having prayed 3 times it becomes 3+3+3=9 and 9 is enlightened consciousness (this also has relevance to the death of the Christ & Christ consciousness).
So back to the Octave. 7+1=8, the number 7 is the end of something and the number 8 is the beginning, it is the first number of a new cycle. It signifies the end and the beginning again a reference to death of the old and birth of the new.
It is an Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end as we move into a higher consciousness. This Alpha and Omega derives from Azoth and is achieved by Magnum Opus (Great Work) which is ‘Alchemical Ascension’ the science of ascension, also known as the ‘Philosopher’s Stone’…It is the Elixir of Life, immortality secreted through the Pineal Gland…
The standing waves of the octave give us the figure 8, a standing wave is a vibration with a fixed point.
There are 8 energy centers that hold the vibration of the physical body. If we can master the 8 frequencies that exist within the 8 energy centers we can expand into the next octave and activate 12 stands of DNA, which correlate to a 12 dimensional consciousness…
In Greek Gemetria, which is the numerical value of letters and words, the value of the name Jesus is 888, another numerical reference to 8…(just like the 888 Betting company)…
The bible, with this story and many others, is really telling us of our own power and potential through various means.
But in order to see it we must disregard the superficial cover-ups that take us away from ourselves.
There is no saviour coming out of the clouds upon the back of a white stallion, during a second coming.
You are your own saviour…and your only saviour…
The second coming refers to the successful initiate, known as the ‘Twice Born’…who understands the true nature of self…
I hope to see you at one of my talks in 2019…
Best regards