Politics Is Not What You Think It Is…

Politics is not what you think it is. Politics is a script written for the benefit of those who believe that it is public serving when it most certainly is not.

The same people are behind the agenda and all of the political parties and no matter who is in power the same agenda will be forwarded, it will just have a different mask.

That agenda is the Zionist agenda for a state of Israel with a global capital as Jerusalem and our Prime Ministers are members of either the Conservative friends of Israel (CFI) or the Labour friends of Israel which is a requirement of their office!

There is what is called the ‘Hegelian Dialect’ that states that the human mind can only perceive and understand a duality format and the political parties of so-called opposites fits in with that concept and is designed to do just that!

Even capitalism and socialism/communism comes from the same origin, the global bankers and communism was designed to harness the working classes into the same global agenda.

When we look at the logos of England’s three main political parties we can see that all have the same origin, Egypt, as does the Union Jack and the flag of St George…

The liberal Democrats have the Dove as their emblem and the Dove is the symbol of the Egyptian goddess Isis (Goddess of Motherhood and the dove is the symbol of nurturing).

The Labour party has the Red Rose of the Rosicrucian Order, which is the amalgamation of ancient Christian and Egyptian principles and the Conservative party now has the Oak Tree as their emblem and this is from the Serpent priests of the Egyptian god Osiris known as the Djedhi and later the Druids. The word Druid means ‘Oak Knowledge’…

Within the Green seats of the House of Commons (British Parliament) you can see a portcullis emblem which is the Breast plate of the Serpent Priests of Osiris, the Hoshen.

Egypt is intrinsic in both the UK and America and other places too and it goes right into the heart of Royalty and politics…

So when someone says that politics is democracy and that all parties are different with a different agenda of public service just remember that they are merely branches of the same tree…

Best regards


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Michael Feeley michael-feeley.com Author, Researcher & Revealer of Hidden, Esoteric Knowledge...
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