Latest news, research, updates and more from Michael

The Moon Is A Sphere…
2000 years ago the Greeks saw the Earth’s shadow upon the Moon during a Lunar eclipse and knew that the Earth was a sphere. Moon

Does Anything Actually Exist Without An Observer?
All that we believe to be solid is in fact 99.99999999 per cent energy or information which is therefore not an empty space, this coincides

The Real 10 Commandments…
From my book ‘The Code Of Christ – What Religions Should Be Teaching You’ The 10 Commandments and their esoteric meaning… “Thou shalt have no

A Cloak Of Invisibility…
Invisibility cloaking is a metamaterial cloaking and metamaterial is the manipulation of the path of traversed light controlling transmission of parts of the light spectrum

The Universe…
Within a vacuum there is still measurable energy, and that measurable energy is called Zero Point Energy (ZPE). When ZPE particle waves meet they create

The Expanding Universe…
The Kugelblitz is a ball of light in which a momentary concentration of electromagnetic energy can become so intense it could form its own ‘event

Reality Is Subjective…
Giuseppe Vitiello once stated that quantum states produce two poles which creates a subjective representation of the external world and also the internal self. A

Newton’s Gravity…
I stood looking at the Sun and could clearly see the solar disc and yet astronomy tells me that I can only see the light

My Mind Is A Highway…
In reality I have been in isolation for a long time, not through a so-called global pandemic, but within the isolation of my own thoughts.

Is Dowsing Really The Mind?
People use dowsers and dowsing regularly, to ask questions, to find water and food and for other reasons. I have used them myself in my

The Real Statue Of Liberty….
When you look at the statue of liberty, do you see a statue representing freedom, like most people do, or do you see something much

Encoded Within The Beatles…
So there I was listening to Nowhere Man by the Beatles and I remembered my article a little while ago now about encoded numerology within

The Real Sumerian Scrolls…
The story of the Anunnaki is just that, a story. It represents the transmutation of human genetics through sexual alchemy. It is telling us of

Hear My Webinar (05/04/20) ‘Wonders Of The Universe’
Hear My Talk ‘Wonders Of The Universe’ Sunday 5th April At This Event (7pm GMT)… You May Just Be Surprised…at its intelligent and supernatural design!!!

My New E-Book ‘Vibrations Of Galactic Light – A Message From The Unified Field’ Is Now Available…
NOW AVAILABLE: ‘Vibrations Of Galactic Light – A Message From The Unified Field’ My New E-book! The Science Of The Universe And Our Reality…

Are We All Multi-Dimensional Beings?
Are We All Multi-Dimensional Beings? Mathematically, a dimension is the number of coordinates you need to specify a point, a longitude and latitude coordination is

Did Democritus Discover The Atom?
In 492 BC Greek Philosophers Leucippus and Democritus hypothesized Atoms (atomos) stating that they were in constant motion and frequently colliding and that empty space

Michael’s Thought Of Today…
Are we consciously living in our own parallel, the antimatter extracted from matter, antimatter being the cause of the mirror shadow world, due to a

The Drop-Box Link To My Radio Interview on ‘Midnight In The Desert (Art Bell’s Show)

What Is A Virus?
The term virus comes from the Latin word for poison or venom, which is probably related to the Sanskrit word visha, meaning toxin or poison.

The Real Meaning Of Baphomet…
Many ancient symbols, albeit they have different connotations today, were originally symbols of consciousness and a perfect example of this is Baphomet. Today, Baphomet is